

My work is typically not worth stealing, but should the temptation arise, know this: I will call forth every egregious creature I can find to track you to the edges of the earth and rend your tender flesh from your cracked bones to feed the vultures you mimic so well!

Not to be unkind or anything...just sayin'

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Taking leave...

...of my senses!
Nah, but I will be seriously neglecting my blogs (yes, all three) until after finals.

Friday, November 19, 2010

I've got a new nifty-skippy blog!!!

I dropped "My Pretty Excuses" blog because I didn't like it so very much. However, I have added a new one. "At Least 100 Words Baked Fresh Daily" is the new one which is devoted to motivating me to write at least 100 words per day of new material. We perfect our arts, gifts, and talents through the pursuit of their perfections...correct? The longer works and those for school will still be posted here though, and my rambling bits of opinionated nonsense can still be found on my rambling blog. I may consider adding my forced essays for my classes to this one...maybe. Anyway....both new and old can be reached by clicking on those buttons over there <---

Monday, November 8, 2010

I am soooo done!

I've finished the last of my three poems...yay me and whatnot....
anyway, here it is:


Just beneath the silver sky
Shredded clouds go flitting by
The crow glides past, then the hawk
They know it’s on Death’s door you knock
You the little mouse we’re mourning
You who offered us no warning
The world cut deep, so you cut deeper
Deep enough to greet the reaper
With skin quite thin you covered well
The bone frame of your empty shell
No heart, no mind, and now no shame
Since you’ve left all of us the blame
Just where did you think that you would go
Once your blood had ceased to flow
We would not be waiting there
To hear you moan of your despair
You wrote that you could just not find
The happiness and peace of mind
That you imagined we all had
Because we did not sound as sad
But fool you were and fools we too
So the last word you wrote is our last adieu

Finally....and now I've one to go.....

So, here's my free verse poem for class....due tomorrow of course...what was that one quote? Oh, yes..."procrastinators of the world unite.....tomorrow."

They  say
I am                        the last of the lettered
They say
I am                        the last threat
They say
They are coming
                                                          what                         They say
                                                                                will be all that remains

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So, for Creative Writing we have to write 3 poems,1 rondeau and 2 whatevers.

I've finally finished my rondeau: Woo Bloddy-Friggin' Hoo!!!!!

Scintillating Is Delicious

Scintillating is delicious, as words go.
And it melts like smooth rich chocolate so
The word itself, though not the meaning,
Can get my salivaries streaming
With an amylase enzymatic flow.

That in like ways does my lust grow
For those tasty letters that do blow
Into such words as glitz and gleaning.
Scintillating is delicious

So, I on you do such words bestow
In luscious French forms like this Rondeau,
To taste, to savor, with a light tongue teasing
The so many words so lasciviously pleasing,
Whispered with purring across our pillow.
Scintillating is delicious