

My work is typically not worth stealing, but should the temptation arise, know this: I will call forth every egregious creature I can find to track you to the edges of the earth and rend your tender flesh from your cracked bones to feed the vultures you mimic so well!

Not to be unkind or anything...just sayin'

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Inspired by art...

Click here to view the inspiration!
The playful wind of a fair afternoon slid along Borexi’s back as he folded his wings tightly against his armored ribs. He let his tongue hang from a corner of his massive mouth. It flapped and slapped against the side of his head covering him in globs and droplets of thick slobber. He slowly approached the city of his new neighbors and began to dive down for a better view of the inhabitants. They were odd little creatures, small and furry. To Borexi they looked squishy. Very squishy.
They had tiny little arms and legs and circular ears that stuck out on the sides of their pointy little faces. He smiled down at them and waved his long thin arms in greeting. It was a beautiful day full of sights and smells and sounds that were all so new to him. He stretched his wings out and flapped hard to gain a bit more altitude as he prepared to fly across their tallest house. One of the little creatures stood on the rock pole high above its fellows and began waving back.
“Yes, hello down there little…whatever you ares”, he Borexi cried. What a nice lot, he thought, very welcoming indeed. Oh and look at that, they’re going to play some music.
He swooped low as the creature started beating a drum with the large mallet he had been holding in the hand that hadn’t waved. More drums were struck somewhere further down, and then more beyond that and even into the county side. The beats were steady and they echoed off the mountains where Borexi had claimed a small cavern as his new home. Oh what fun, Borexi thought as he clapped his hands excitedly, maybe they’ll throw me a welcoming party. He began a slow descent toward the great door at the front of the tall, spiky stone house, and as he closed in he heard them.
“To arms! To arms! Kill that dragon!” one screamed as it thrust a long metal toothpick into the air.
Oh no, Borexi thought. “I don’t understand. What are you doing?”
Borexi shoot back up toward the clouds as he heard the pounding of hooves on stone just above him. He looked for it. One of the furry little creatures was galloping toward him on horseback. Both were screaming. Borexi, never one to focus on anything for long, stared at the horse and tried to think of why food would be running toward him. He barely even noticed as the creature on its back flung itself toward him and barely felt the bite of the toothpick it jabbed into his neck.

--- To Be Continued ---

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