

My work is typically not worth stealing, but should the temptation arise, know this: I will call forth every egregious creature I can find to track you to the edges of the earth and rend your tender flesh from your cracked bones to feed the vultures you mimic so well!

Not to be unkind or anything...just sayin'

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hot Chocolate (about 6 moons old)

This one was a Smart Thinking exercise for school. The task was to take a segment of our day, write one sentence about it, and then turn that sentence into a paragraph of six or more sentences.

Starter Sentence:  I got hot chocolate and walked out to my car.

Three shiny, silver coins dropped into the pan with a hollow clinking sound. The brown paper cup with tiny, steaming coffee cups all over its sides slid down the shoot and came to rest on the metal plate behind the plexiglass door. I watched patiently while it was slowly filled with frothy hot cocoa. As the steady stream slowed to a trickle,
I slid the door to the left and retrieved my liquid relaxation. Breathing slowly, deeply, with my nose barely an inch from the lip of the cup, I made my way down the chilly hall toward the heavy double doors that opened into the parking lot. The scent wafting up and into my flaring nostrils was so delightful, it almost pained me to force the treasure laden hand out and away as I rammed my rump into the left door and shoved myself outside. I turned, glanced at the rows of vehicles littering the lot and lifted the cup to my parched lips. Stepping tentatively forward I took a small sip of what should have been chocolaty goodness. My lips twisted in agony, my poor tongue contorting with disgust. Stepping over to the grassy knoll, I tilted the cup and set free the offending drink. As I looked up, I noticed a guy staring at me. "I don't recommend the hot chocolate today," I said and headed toward my waiting car. –Abigail Morris

1 comment:

  1. You Should expand this. Make a page about this. 1700 words double spaced. but it has to fit on one singular page. But seriously, I liked it. The part about opening the door jared me for some reason. Oh well. 10/10
